About HPNC
HPNC was formed in 1989 to further the writing, study, and appreciation of English-language haiku and related genres such as senryu, renku, rengay, tanka, and haibun. We hold meetings, sponsor readings, and publish haiku books under our own imprint, Two Autumns Press. Though most of our members live in the San Francisco and Northern California area, membership is open to anyone with an interest in haiku.
Our members include both new and established writers, many of whom have had their work published in journals and anthologies throughout the world.
HPNC publishes a quarterly newsletter, as well as Mariposa, a semi-annual members-only journal of haiku and related poetry, and also publishes occasional anthologies of haiku and senryu by members. We also hold annual contests for haiku, senryu, tanka, and rengay.
The biggest event of the year for HPNC is the Two Autumns reading in late summer or early fall. This annual reading is the longest-running haiku reading series outside of Japan and features some of the best poets writing haiku in English today. All of our events are free and open to the public.