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HAIKU    (Judge: Christopher Herold)


First Place ($100)


autumn dusk—

a word that will do

for the one I can’t find


               Carolyn Hall



Second Place  ($50)



the darkness

between stars


               Earnest J. Berry



Third Place  ($25)


a rack of antlers

nailed to the gatepost

lingering heat


               Carolyn Hall



Honorable Mentions


gone to bed angry

the din

of summer insects


               paul m.




winter night

one ear listening

to the pillow


               John Stevenson




unexpected visit

from an old friend—

flowers on the bramble


               D. Claire Gallagher




spading the garden—

each earthworm half

goes its own way


               Anne LB Davidson




SENRYU   (Judge: Tom Clausen)



First Place  ($100)


honeymoon dinner

nothing to talk about

until the tip


               Bill Pauly



Honorable Mentions


coughing, the exterminator

assures me

his work is safe


               Bill Pauly



polite conversation

I try to extract

the last cookie


               Scott Mason



reunion dance—

this time she lets him

crush her corsage


               Bill Pauly



his cluttered house—

sorting through books

on chaos theory


               Minna Lerman




by the lavish praise

I imagine getting


               John Stevens




continental divide

I look for the place

to                   pee


               D. Claire Gallagher




TANKA   (Judge:  Jane Reichhold)


First Place  ($100)


how long has it been

since we parted?

the snow has come

and I’m learning from geese

how to fall from the sky


               Jeanne Emrich



Honorable Mention



long thornless rows

of raspberries

sweet thoughts flow to her

as every basket fills


               Kristy Karkow



Winter sun

on the doorstep a pigeon

stands on one leg

… the way before dying

Mother folded her arm.


               Pamella Miller Ness



butterflies alight

and easily blend in

by folding their wings

the flashes of blue reserved

for leaving


               Cherie Hunter Day


RENGAY   (Judges:  Ebba Story and John Thompson)


First Place  ($100)  


Inside Passage


morning stillness—

the ferry turns

through a patch of sunlight                  Michael Dylan Welch


               the tug’s bow rope

               tightens and slackens            Dejah Léger


uncle’s fresh catch—

the wood worn

beside the oarlock                                Michael


the whale’s hump

smoothes back into ocean—

my kayak rocking                                 Dejah


               a clanging of masts

               from the distant marina        Michael


first birthday—

he floats his boat

along the carpet                                    Dejah



Second Place 




paper lanterns

strung across the pagoda—

orange glow                                         Ariel Lambert


stuck on a gumdrop

playing Candy Land                            Stanford M. Forrester


house of cards

makes it six levels—

under-the-door draft                            Ariel


NYC postcards—

the space where

the Twin Towers were                         Stanford


wildflower bookmark

colors the page                                     Ariel


old woodblock print—

with a kiss the geisha

seals the letter                                      Stanford



Third Place 


Prairie Wind


white wind turbines

against a dark sky—

the screen door slams                           Vicki McCullough


     the 4-H flag

     tangled in its rope                           Alice Frampton


driving rain—

the shopkeeper brings in

the kites for sale                                   Michael Dylan Welch


     panties from the line

     caught on the neighbour’s fence     Vicki


U-pick strawberries—

the sign says

on one hinge                                         Alice


     the algae-stained keel

     of the upturned boat                       Michael




Honorable Mention


a tempo


curling my hair—

the showerhead drips

a rhythm to tap to                                Joann Klontz


the upstairs neighbor’s fondness

for Sousa marches!                               Carolyn Hall


out to check the mail

as the 12:15

whistles through town                         Joann


just as long as

the blips on his monitor

stay steady …                                      Carolyn


each teen at the bun stop

sways to her Walkman                         Joann


summer’s end—

the pulsing of cicadas

at dusk                                                 Carolyn



Learned by Heart


heirloom jade

in a rose-gold setting—

she’s forgotten the story                      Carolyn Hall


her third wedding ring

fairly tales learned by heart                  Billie Wilson


blank spaces

in the family tree—

leather-bound Bible                             Carolyn


a full moon tonight—

mayflowers pressed

in granddad’s journal                           Billie


Remembrance Day

the poppies blow … row on row          Carolyn


how softly the zephyr

ripples the willows—

recalling his touch                                Billie






before the lecture

he calmly pockets his pipe—

wisp of smoke                                      Zane Parks


a corridor of birds

ride the thermals                                  Kathy Earsman


young dog

pressing her nose

into the wind                                        Gino Peregrini


leaving Las Vegas

a dust devil                                          Zane



behind the shelter-shed—

cigarettes                                              Kathy


clear autumn morning

her breath fogs the mirror                    Gino

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